TPPA a Sellout to American Corporate Greed

Press Release – Internet MANA

New Zealand will become a permanent prisoner to the United States greed and global arrogance if the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) isnt stopped, warns Internet MANA.MEDIA RELEASE
September 17, 2014

TPPA a Sellout to American Corporate Greed, Says Internet Mana

New Zealand will become a permanent prisoner to the United States’ greed and global arrogance if the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) isn’t stopped, warns Internet MANA.

The TPPA being negotiated in secret by the Key Government will do irreversible damage to our independence and democracy, say leaders Hone Harawira and Laila Harré.

“We are fast becoming a puppet to US foreign affairs world overview, and the TPPA aims squarely at our national right to govern.”

Ms Harré cites the evidence presented by international lawyer Robert Amsterdam at the Moment of Truth event when he spoke to his recent paper on the dangers of the TPPA. A link to Mr Amsterdam’s paper is below.

“The TPPA will give the US access to New Zealand’s markets while stripping the New Zealand Parliament of its authority over much of the country’s trade and business. Each day New Zealanders are giving up rights, freedoms and independence so that the Government can reach closer to an American orbit in the name of free trade.”
Ms Harré points to the Investor-State Dispute Settlement as a direct threat to our self-determination by allowing foreign corporations to sue our government for millions in damages if our laws interfere with their profits.

Mr Harawira says that history will remember the Key Government as one that sold out New Zealanders to the US – unless we act to defend ourselves.

“Our economy is small change to the Americans, so we have no muscle in the TPPA negotiations. We must pull out of this destructive dealing.”

Ms Harré says that regardless of which parties get to govern on Saturday, Internet MANA is resolute in its fight against the TPPA.

Mr Harawira said that he, Ms Harré, Annette Sykes and John Minto had unswerving track records of taking on – and winning – David versus Goliath battles.

Internet MANA policies HERE
Internet Party Independence policy HERE
“The TPPA: Trading Away New Zealand’s Independence”, by Robert Amsterdam HERE
Moment of Truth video HERE


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