Press Release – Noel Cheer
“In Conversation with Noel Cheer”, Face Television, Monday June 10th at 7:00pm, repeated on Tuesday June 11th at 12 noon.Big Fish and Little Fish
Can a minnow like New Zealand swim with a whale like the United States in the sea of commerce? Do we have sufficient in common such that our requirements and preferences will get heard – especially in the context of reciprocal trade?
The Trans Pacific Partnership — which involves several Pacific countries — is bigger than free trade and – to extend the metaphor – it contains fishhooks.
To discuss this, the guest In Conversation with Noel Cheer on Face Television this week is the business journalist, Rod Oram.
“In Conversation with Noel Cheer”, Face Television, Monday June 10th at 7:00pm, repeated on Tuesday June 11th at 12 noon.
Face Television, the home of public broadcasting, is found on Sky Television Channel 83 and can also be received in the Auckland region on UHF Channels 41, 42 and 52. It is also live-streamed on The website carries programme schedules. Some recent episodes of In Conversation can be viewed at
“In Conversation with Noel Cheer” receives funding from New Zealand on Air. This has enabled us to introduce viewers to over 260 New Zealanders on Air (as well as visitors to New Zealand) during more than six years of unbroken weekly public-interest broadcasting.
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