Christchurch rallies against TPPA on November 8

Press Release – Its Our Future Christchurch

Christchurch residents will join an International Day of Action against the dangerous Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) on Saturday November 8. Gen de Spa, organiser of the Christchurch event, said that there was rapidly growing concern about the …27 October 2014

Christchurch rallies against TPPA on November 8

Christchurch residents will join an International Day of Action against the dangerous Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) on Saturday November 8.

Gen de Spa, organiser of the Christchurch event, said that there was rapidly growing concern about the enormous threat of the Agreement on so many aspects of the New Zealand way of life. The TPPA gives control of our country to the multi-national companies who are negotiating it in secret.

“We don’t think that people, our planet or peace should be sacrificed for profit. We want prosperous trade for all, and the TPPA is not going to deliver that.”

The TPPA risks substantial damage to our healthcare, environment, worker’s rights, arts, te Tiriti o Waitangi, internet freedom, financial regulation, food safety, our ability to remain nuclear free, GE labeling, restricting fracking and many other areas so important to all New Zealanders.

“A TPPA could give transnational companies the right to sue [our] government…. It would give away the freedom of our children and grandchildren to determine their own future. Please help us stop it.” – Jeanette Fitzsimmons, former Green Party co-leader.

The theme of the November 8 Day of Action is “Kiwis Fight Back”.

The Christchurch event is one of 15 TPPA events across the country on November 8, as ordinary New Zealanders come together to stand up against pressure from the big corporate lobbies in pharma, mining, tobacco, Hollywood, Fonterra, etc. and to tell John Key he has no mandate to do a secret deal in our name.

Leaders of TPPA countries are expected to meet in the week after 8 November. It is vital that we all support the anti-TPPA march to send them a very strong message.

What: Kiwis Fight Back March against the TPPA
When: 12:30 pm, Saturday November 8, 2014
Where: Shands Crescent Fountain Park, Riccarton Road [marching to Victoria Lake in the Botanical Gardens

Locations of other rallies and more information is here: itsourfuture4.localdev/international-day-of-action-kiwis-fight-back


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