Discussion online about Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Press Release – Faultline Films

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a “free trade” agreement currently under negotiation between NZ and 8 other countries. Trade is only a minor part of the agreement. A Trans-Pacific Partnership would be an agreement that guarantees …Discussion online about TPPA (Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement)

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) is a “free trade” agreement currently under negotiation between NZ and 8 other countries.

Trade is only a minor part of the agreement.

A Trans-Pacific Partnership would be an agreement that guarantees special rights to foreign investors.

If these negotiations succeed they will create a mega-treaty across 9 countries thatwill put a straight jacket around what policies and laws our governments can adopt for the next century.

• What does it mean for New Zealand?
• Should we be worried?

Professor Jane Kelsey, Unionist -Sid Keepa & Political Strategist -Mike Smith discuss the implications with John Tamihere on TV3’s THINK TANK

– view online at http://ondemand.tv3.co.nz/Think-Tank-Season-2-Ep-15/tabid/59/articleID/7069/MCat/360/Default.aspx


Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
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