Latest Past Events

Rally at Parliament against the TPPA

Parliament Wellington

Our friends at TPPA-free Wellington are holding a rally against the TPPA at Parliament from midday on 5 November 2016. This event is timed to coincide as closely as possible to the expected 2nd and 3rd readings of the TPPA enabling legislation currently making its way through Parliament. Meet at Parliament at Midday! Further details […]

Rally For Democracy – Wellington

Civic Square 101 Wakefield St, Wellington

Rally for Democracy - Town Square Meeting and Concert A great line up of Music and Speakers. We are joining the dots between the issues - they require a system wide view. The issues and the connections. What values do we as a nation stand for? It's not just TPP, its housing, inequality and fairness […]

TPP RCEP Public Meeting Wellington

Massey University Wellington Museum Theatrette 0A02 Buckle St, Wellington

Who benefits from these multilateral treaties? Lecture and discussion on TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership), RCEP (Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership) and the trade and investment treaty agenda. Featured speakers: Dr. Jomo Kwame Sundaram (leading voice in the UN and a researcher on the TPPA), Sanya Reid Smith (Senior Researcher Third World Network Malaysia), Barry Coates (It's […]