Government blocks debate on TPPA

Press Release – New Zealand Labour Party

Labour is disappointed but not surprised the Government has blocked an attempt to force transparency on negotiations towards a Trans-Pacific free trade agreement, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says.David Cunliffe
Labour Leader

11 February 2014

Government blocks debate on TPPA

Labour is disappointed but not surprised the Government has blocked an attempt to force transparency on negotiations towards a Trans-Pacific free trade agreement, Labour Leader David Cunliffe says.

“Today I called on the Government to publish the full negotiated text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement at least two weeks prior to signing to ensure full public scrutiny.

“That was blocked by a Government that has a record of doing deals behind closed doors.

“This agreement could impact on New Zealand’s ability to make critical decisions relating to buying medicines and obtaining intellectual property rights.

“There may be benefits for New Zealand exporters in the agreement but without the release of the full text, we have no way of knowing their extent and nature.

“The Government must also reveal whether or not the text makes it more likely New Zealand could be sued by multi-national corporations such as tobacco companies.

“Public concern about these negotiations is growing.

“This is another example of the Government that has stopped listening to New Zealanders and is arrogant and out-of-touch.

“A Labour government would sign the TPPA if, and only if, it is in the best interests of New Zealand,” David Cunliffe says.


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