In Focus: Jo Goodhew MP

Column – Jo Goodhew

Over past months there has been a lot of debate about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). I have repeatedly been asked for detail that I have not only not known, but couldnt give.
In Focus: 10 October 2015
Jo Goodhew MP

Hon Jo Goodhew, MP for Rangitata
Over past months there has been a lot of debate about the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP). I have repeatedly been asked for detail that I have not only not known, but couldn’t give.

Right up until the eleventh hour the negotiations involved uncertainty about outcomes. That is the nature of multilateral negotiations.
The text of the TPP will be confirmed within the next 28 days and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT) will continue to release details as soon as practicable over the coming days.
TPP a win for regional New Zealand
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a great deal for regional New Zealand.
This free trade agreement is all about giving our exporters, whether they’re farmers or manufacturers, access into the big consumer markets of the world on a more equal footing with local suppliers.
We back our farmers, horticulturists, foresters, wine growers and manufacturers. We’re confident they’re equal to the best in the world.
TPP will support the Government’s Business Growth Agenda to diversify the economy by building strong trade, investment and economic ties around the world.
New Zealand businesses will be able to create more jobs and deliver higher incomes by having better access to world markets.
By 2030 the overall benefit of TPP to New Zealand is estimated to be at least $2.7 billion a year.
The TPP is exciting news for our red meat industry. Tariffs on beef exports to TPP countries will be eliminated, with only the exception of Japan where tariffs still reduce from 38.5 per cent to 9 per cent.
New Zealand beef will enjoy unrestricted access to the United States after five years, something our farmers have been seeking for decades.
Tariffs on all other primary sector exports, except some dairy products, will be eliminated, including fruit and vegetables, sheep meat, forestry products, seafood, and wine.
While we couldn’t get a stronger outcome for dairy, the TPP still gives us better access. Products like cheese, infant formula and ice cream will have improved access into some very big consumer markets like the United States, Japan and Mexico.
What the TPP means for New Zealand
• Access to 800 million potential customers
• TPP includes both US & Japan, first and third largest markets in the world
• 12 countries included account for 36 per cent of the world economy
• NZ’s biggest ever trade deal
• TPP will save $259 million a year in tariffs
• TPP will be worth $2.7 billion a year to NZ by 2030
• Tariffs on all primary sector export, except some dairy, eliminated
• In five years NZ beef will have unrestricted access to the US
• Consumers will not pay more for subsidised medicines as a result of TPP.

Report highlights benefits of collaboration in improving water management
Canterbury’s experience of collaboration on water is being published to help other regions and communities in running their own collaborative planning processes.
The report reinforces the benefits of a more collaborative approach to the challenge of improving freshwater management. The staff and zone committees of Environment Canterbury (ECAN) have made more progress on freshwater over the past five years than in any other part of the country by getting all of the parties with an interest in water engaged in the rules and initiatives needed to better manage Canterbury’s water.
ECAN staff share not only their successes in the report, but also acknowledge the struggles and challenges to demonstrate that while it’s not always easy, it’s worth it. The report shows that collaborative processes are not just about coming to an agreement – they also provide an opportunity to strengthen the wider community and define the future of their region through the sustainable, long-term decisions that are made.
The Canterbury Water Management Strategy report is available from theEnvironment Canterbury website.
Funding round kicks off for new forest planting
Funding has been allocated to plant 5,819 hectares of new forest throughout New Zealand.
The Afforestation Grants Scheme, a $22.5 million programme, will help establish about 15,000 hectares of new forest over the next six years.
This new planting, which will begin in winter next year, will see increased erosion control, better water quality, and less environmental impact from flooding and severe rainfall.
The Afforestation Grants Scheme is set to unlock economic benefits in our regions, key to building a more competitive and productive economy.

Another 940 in Trades Academies from 2016
More young people will have the opportunity to combine study and practical experience with 940 additional places in Trades Academies next year.
A funding transfer from the Youth Guarantee Fees-Free programme will add a further 600 places to Trades Academies commencing in 2016. This is on top of the additional 340 places already announced in this year’s Budget.
This will take the total number of Trades Academy places to 6,190 a year, which is great news for these young people as well as employers.
Trades Academies have been successful in supporting young people to stay engaged in education and achieve NCEA Level 2. They are motivated to move into further study or employment.
Last year, an estimated 1,200 18 year olds had achieved NCEA Level 2 through Trades Academies and the wider Youth Guarantee programme when they otherwise wouldn’t have.

Supporting people with mental health issues
Mental health awareness week is a timely reminder of the support people can give each other and the health services available.
The theme of this year’s mental health awareness week (5-11 October) is ‘Give – Give your time, your words and your presence’.
Its important people get the mental health support and services they need. One in five New Zealanders are affected by a mental illness every year, with depression and anxiety the most common forms.
Funding for mental health and addiction services has steadily increased from $1.1 billion in 2008/09 to over $1.4 billion in 2014/15.
The Government is working to improve mental health services through Rising to the Challenge – The Mental Health and Addiction Service Development Plan. It is a collective effort by the Ministry of Health and other Government agencies, DHBs, NGOs and primary care to enhance service integration and expand access to services.

Upcoming Events
October 8 – 11 Ministerial visit to Australia
October 12 – 15 Parliament sitting
October 16 Constituency work, Ashburton
October 16 Attend Alpine Energy Art Awards, Timaru
October 18 Seafarers service & Trafalgar luncheon, Timaru
October 19 Constituency work, Ashburton
October 20 – 22 Parliament sitting

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