(please share these graphics on social media)
We are calling for a Twitter storm to NZ Prime Minister John Key to coincide with his meeting with US President Barack Obama on 20 June 2014. This will take place this Friday between 4pm and 5pm.
We want as many people as possible to tweet their message to the Prime Minister John Key (@johnkeypm) and remind him that the voices of NZers need to be heard.
Include the hashtag #TPPANoWay and the @ItsOurFutureNZ account will retweet!
Below are some sample tweets you might like to use. We do urge you to be respectful in your comments, no personal abuse etc. The issues alone are controversial enough, stick to them.
@johnkeypm Our #democracy is more important than increasing dairy exports to the US #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm If you like golf as much as you like #democracy and #transparency then #releasethetext #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm The #TPPA is too important to be negotiated in #secret. #Information is the root of#democracy #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm It’s not enough to tell us #TPPA is in our interest, you have to show us #releasethetext#TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm How come 600 US corporate advisors have seen the #TPPA text but we haven’t? #TPPANoWay
Hey @johnkeypm the #TPPA will harm workers rights, offshore jobs and hamstring wage growth. In whose interest? #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm The #TPPA gives rights to foreign investors to challenge our laws. That’s not #democracy and #itsnotright #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm Our environment and health are more important than investors’ rights to profit. #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm The #TPPA will make medicines more expensive. Our health is more important than#BigPharma’s profits! #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm #TPPA allows investors to undermine action on #climatechange. There are no winners on a burning planet #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm #TPPA restricts internet freedom. We demand a free and open internet #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm Honour our #Tiriti; not the corporations’ treaty #TPPANoWay
@johnkeypm #TPPA will fuel financial crises and put banks ahead of people #TPPANoWay
Outside NZ? We apologise for difficulties in timing for those joining us from overseas, this was the best time we could arrange.
US Pacific time is 9pm-10pm 16/05/14
US Mountain time is 10pm-11pm 16/05/14
US Central time is 11pm-12 (midnight) 16/05/14
US Eastern time is 12 (midnight) – 1am 16/05/14
Eastern Australia is 2pm-3pm 17/05/14
Central Australia and Tokyo is 1pm-2pm 17/05/14
Western Australia in 12:00 (noon) – 1pm 17/05/14
Malaysia and Vietnam is 11:00am-12 (noon) 17/05/14