Press Release – It’s Our Future
As the window on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) negotiations closes more tightly, thousands of New Zealanders in twenty-one towns and cities throughout the country are expected to brave the rain to send a message to the National government: …
Friday 14 August
Nationwide protests tomorrow say ‘TPPA – Walk Away!’ Government must listen
As the window on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) negotiations closes more tightly, thousands of New Zealanders in twenty-one towns and cities throughout the country are expected to brave the rain to send a message to the National government: ‘TPPA – Walk Away!’, according to It’s Our Future spokesperson Edward Miller.
“After five years of denying that the TPPA would mean higher medicines and act as a bill of rights for foreign investors, the Prime Minister is now starting to change his tune. At the same time the holy grail of a bonanza for the dairy has not transpired”, said Edward Miller.
“These and other trade-offs on our sovereignty continue to be made under a shroud of secrecy. As we have asked many times, ‘what is the government so determined to hide?’,” said Miller.
“People are fed up with being insulted by Trade Minister Groser. We want to live in a genuine democracy that puts people, not foreign investors and multinational corporations, first. We want the right to decide our own futures, as befits a modern democracy, and to be able to deliver on the Treaty of Waitangi. And we expect our elected government to listen.”
People will be gathering at the following places tomorrow, rain or shine:
15 August, gather at Memorial Park at 9.30am to create/share placards, then walk through market and main street.
15 August protest, 11am at Kohukohu Village Green.
15 August protest, 11am at the Tarewa Park.
15 August protest, 1pm at Aotea Square to march down Queen Street, featuring speakers and music.
15 August protest, Meet @ 1pm outside Cock and Bull carpark on corner of Church and Maui.
15 August protest, 2pm outside the Colville Community Hall.
15 August protest at 10.30am, Red Square.
15 August protest, 11am at the corner of King and Stewart Streets.
15 August protest, 10am at Opotiki rose garden.
15 August protest, 1pm at Memorial Square.
New Plymouth
15 August protest, 1pm at Puke Ariki.
15 August Hikoi, 11am at Tuu Roa Kohanga Reo (Te Rauparaha St).
15 August Rally, 11am outside the Royal Hotel on Fitzherbert St.
15 August protest, 1pm at Midland Park and march to Parliament.
Golden Bay
15 August protest, 12pm at Golden Bay Village Green.
15 August protest at 11:00am, top of Trafalgar St – 1903 Square.
15 August protest, 12:30pm at South Hagley Park (corner Deans Ave and Riccarton Rd) marching down Riccarton Rd.
Little River
15 August rally, 12pm at Little River Craft Station.
15 August protest, 11am at Bay Piazza.
15 August protest at 1pm, marching from the Dental School to the Octagon.
15 August protest, 12pm at Wachner Place.
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