Nelson Rally for Democracy – We Want our Democracy Back

Press Release –

Final plans for the ‘Rally for Democracy’ timed to coincide with the National Party’s annual conference are well in hand. Event spokesperson Nadine Connock says the rally will give people an opportunity to have their voices heard and push the National …Media Release: The People of Nelson

Date: 6 August 2013

For immediate Release

Rally for Democracy – We Want our Democracy Back

Final plans for the ‘Rally for Democracy’ timed to coincide with the National Party’s annual conference are well in hand. Event spokesperson Nadine Connock says the rally will give people an opportunity to have their voices heard and push the National Government to rethink its approach to democracy.

“People want something to hope for, and for change to happen in their communities”, said Nadine Connock. “They are disappointed and frustrated with the National Government’s failure to listen to them on issues such as the GCSB Spy Bill, Charter Schools and the undermining of local Council decisions relating to GE free principles.”

While giving members of the public the opportunity to highlight examples of the National Government’s disdain for democratic principles, the Rally will be positive and good-natured. It will take place outside the Rutherford Hotel from 11am – 1pm on Saturday 10 August. There will be street theatre, entertainment and opportunities for people to participate and have their voices heard.

Members of organisations concerned with specific issues will bear black flags representing their loss of democracy and undermining of social and environmental rights. Organisations involved include Nelson Unions, Environmental groups, Youth Climate Action, GE and GMO Free NZ, Beneficiary advocates, local educators, Aotearoa is Not for Sale and those opposed to the TPPA and GCSB Bill.

The Rally will then move to the 1903 site at the bottom of the Church steps where community groups are invited to have stalls offering up their solutions. “People will be asked to put forward their solutions for fixing our democracy and our communities” said Nadine Connock.

Over 150 people have registered to attend on Facebook, with many more members of the community indicating to organisers that they will participate. “We expect a positive, solution-focused crowd to attend on Saturday which will send a strong message to the National Government that we want things to change” Nadine Connock said. “Come along and be part of the change.”

In the lead-up to Saturday’s event, local people will be holding a series of entertaining actions designed to provoke interest in the rally.


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