Prime Minister Welcome at Te Tii Marae

Press Release – Te Kotahitanga o Nga Hapu Ngapuhi

Ngapuhi hapu extend a welcome to Prime Minister John Key to Te Tii Marae for Waitangi 2016 commemorations on Friday but a word of caution also.Prime Minister Welcome at Te Tii Marae

Ngapuhi hapu extend a welcome to Prime Minister John Key to Te Tii Marae for Waitangi 2016 commemorations on Friday but a word of caution also.

Te Kotahitanga o Nga Hapu Ngapuhi says it’s high time the government hears the voice of Ngapuhi and the only way to listen is to front up to Maori at Te Tii Marae and blocking Mr Key is not the solution.

Co-Chairman Rudy Taylor says there are many voices in Ngapuhi, many leaders and we are coming together with the same message that the people are angry at not being consulted on the Trans-Pacific-Partnership (TPP) but revoking John Key’s invitation is not the answer.

Mr Taylor says “I will be speaking at today’s meeting of Northland iwi leaders to tell them why we need to have the Prime Minister attend Te Tii marae on Friday.

“Ngapuhi must uphold our mana and anybody who is waiting at the front of the gates should not be stopped from coming onto our marae.

“Regardless of the issues of the day, Waitangi Day is Ngapuhi’s opportunity to tell the government how we feel.

“There will be a strong voice of the people coming from the taumata korero (speaker’s bench) of why we vehemently oppose the TPP.

“Maori are angry at the politicians pushing this down the craws of those they claim to serve.

“This so called partnership en-treaty will impose corporate controls that will compromise the sovereignty of not only Maori but all New Zealanders and that’s why we have been proactive with our application for an Urgency Hearing with the Waitangi Tribunal.

“There has been a total lack of consultation and a complete lack of information. What are the benefits for Ngapuhi, for the North? Why has this deal been made behind closed doors?

“It is the Prime Minister John Key’s duty to attend Waitangi Commemorations and Ngapuhi will honor its role in hosting the government,” says Mr Taylor.


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