Q+A – PM on TPP: “We’ve never ever been sued.”

Press Release – TVNZ

Prime Minister John Key on the TPP: Weve never ever been sued. Prime Minister John Key told TV Ones Q+A programme that there is genuinely some misinformation, so the, you know, Well lose our sovereignty; the New Zealand Government will …Q+A – PM on TPP: “We’ve never ever been sued.”

11:26 AM (21 hours ago)
Prime Minister John Key on the TPP: “We’ve never ever been sued.”

Prime Minister John Key told TV One’s Q+A programme that “there is genuinely some misinformation, so the, you know, ‘We’ll lose our sovereignty; the New Zealand Government will get sued,’ I mean, they’re great statements to make, but they’re fundamentally not true.”

And in response to Corin Dann’s question “you can’t guarantee, though, can you, that we won’t be sued by a big US corporation?”
The Prime Minister said, “well we’ve had it in four FTAs now, we’ve never ever been sued. New Zealand has never had a case taken against us in investor-state.”

Here’s the link to the full interview – Corin also asked the Prime Minister about Russia, Syria and the issue of Kiwis being detained in Australia awaiting deportation.

Q+A, 9-10am Sundays on TV ONE and one hour later on TV ONE plus 1. Repeated Sunday evening at 11:35pm. Streamed live atwww.tvnz.co.nz

Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
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