Rail and maritime workers’ condemn TPPA signing

Press Release – FIRST Union

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) puts the rights and wellbeing of working people at risk, says Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) General Secretary Wayne Butson.Rail and maritime workers’ condemn TPPA signing

The Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) puts the rights and wellbeing of working people at risk, says Rail and Maritime Transport Union (RMTU) General Secretary Wayne Butson.

“The TPPA will make it harder to protect local jobs and lift wages.”

“Under the TPPA it’s going to become harder and harder for government to govern in the national interest. Clauses the ‘performance requirements’ in the TPPA could prevent the government from favouring local workers over foreign contractors,” says Butson.

“This will put working people at places like KiwiRail – a company that already makes significant use of overseas contractors – at a disadvantage.”

“Companies that believe our government is favouring local workers over the interests of foreign companies can also take the government a secretive overseas tribunal with the power to impose massive sanctions.”

‘We condemn this government for signing away New Zealand’s future,” says Butson.


Content Sourced from scoop.co.nz
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