TPPA: Don’t Sign! 14 November Day of Action

Press Release – It’s Our Future

Saturday 14 November will be the next Day of Action to stop the TPPA, as concerned citizens around the country tell the government not to sign the agreement, according to Its Our Future.TPPA: Don’t Sign! 14 November Day of Action

Saturday 14 November will be the next Day of Action to stop the TPPA, as concerned citizens around the country tell the government not to sign the agreement, according to It’s Our Future.

“This is far from being a done deal. Nothing has been signed and won’t be signed for at least another three months. In other words, It Ain’t Over,” said It’s Our Future spokesperson Barry Coates.

“The government’s propaganda about this deal is fast falling apart. We’ve been told deals like this have to be done in secret, yet that apparently won’t apply to the proposed EU-NZ negotiation”, said Barry Coates.

“Even the most optimistic government estimates show the gains from tariff cuts are a drop in the bucket compared to how this deal was sold to the public, while the foreign corporations stand to benefit at the expense of ordinary families and communities’ right to decide their own future,” said Coates.

“As previous protests have shown, New Zealanders from all walks of life don’t want the TPPA, whether they are concerned about the environment, workers’ rights, ensuring strong food labelling and financial regulation or internet freedom, or simply their democratic right to participate in decisions and protect the nation’s sovereignty.”


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