We are a citizens campaign that formed in opposition to the TPPA and other pro-corporate treaties.
.What Is The Indo-Pacific Economic Framework For Prosperity?
TPPA-11 (The Zombie TPPA)
NZ-China FTA
Latest News
On Luxon’s Survival Chances, And The India FTA
Article – Gordon Campbell Whenever Christopher Luxon drops a classically fatuous clanger or whenever the government has a bad poll i.e. every week the talk resumes that he is about to be rolled. This is unlikely for several reasons. For starters, there is no successor.

Rethinking the trade and investment agenda in turbulent times
I am cautiously optimistic about the prospects of change, because the forces of creative disruption are breaking the mould, with the caveat that the outcome is not always progressive.

Submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee in support of the TPPA-11: Don’t Do It! petition
Reject the TPPA and review the treaty-making process Submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee in support of the TPPA-11: Don’t Do It! petition delivered to Golriz Ghahraman MP on Thursday 8 March 2018 on behalf of It’s Our Future and 5,098 signatories. The below submission was submitted by Oliver Hailes as

It’s Our Future Press Release: Parliament should review international treaty powers
“The parliamentary select committee should call for a review of the government’s treaty-making powers before rushing in to ratify the TPPA,” says Oliver Hailes, spokesperson for It’s Our Future, in anticipation of next week’s hearings on the controversial economic treaty. “We need modern forms of accountability before we commit to these mega agreements.” This morning

Copies of CPTPP Submissions – Jane Kelsey, Laila Harre, Barry Coates, NZCTU, BWI and the Alliance Party
Please click on the links below each name to download their submission on the CPTPP Jane Kelsey’s CPTPP Submission Jane Kelsey’s CPTPP Submission Laila Harre’s CPTPP Submission Laila Harre’s CPTPP Submission Barry Coates’ CPTPP Submission Barry Coates’ CPTPP submission Building and Woodworkers International’s CPTPP Submission BWI Submission on CPTPP NZCTU’s

NZPTV interview with Amanda Vickers on feeling betrayed by NZ First’s TPPA u-turn
NZPTV is the New Zealand Public Television Trust – a hub where Kiwi film and television makers can screen their programmes so that other New Zealanders around our country, and around the world, can watch them for free. It is also a place for you to have your say. NZPTV have recently launched VOICE OF