David Swanson

Fast Track the Good Stuff

Opinion – David Swanson Fast Track the Good Stuff By David Swanson http://davidswanson.org/node/4747 The U.S. Senate has been very concerned not to let peace with Iran slip into place too easily, even while a new war in Iraq and Syria proceeds without the formal pretense …

Talk Nation Radio: Margaret Flowers on Stopping the TPP

Article – David Swanson Margaret Flowers is a Maryland pediatrician who currently serves as co-director of PopularResistance.org and is co-host of Clearing the FOG Radio. She has been fighting to stop fast track and the Trans-Pacific Partnership for more than three years. We …

No to Republibama Government

Column – David Swanson A case can be made that democracy worked in this month’s U.S. midterm elections, while representative democracy failed miserably. On ballot initiatives all across the country, people in so-called red and blue states voted for raising the minimum …