
Reduced community access in US TPP trade negotiations

Press Release – Australian Fair Trade and Investment Network The 12th round of Trans-Pacific partnership (TPP) negotiations begins in Dallas, Texas today between Australia, the US, New Zealand, Chile, Peru, Singapore, Brunei, Malaysia and Vietnam, amid criticism by fair trade groups and prominent lawyers.

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Eminent Jurists Say ‘No’ to Investor Right to Sue in TPP

Press Release – Professor Jane Kelsey More than 100 jurists from New Zealand and other countries currently or potentially engaged in the Trans-Pacific Partnership negotiations, including some of their most eminent lawyers, ave sent an open letter to the negotiators calling for the right …

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Pharmac and ‘public interest’ bottom line for TPP: Goff

Article – BusinessDesk May 4 (BusinessDesk) – New Zealand should support the creation of Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade negotiations, but bottom lines should include the right to negotiate fair pharmaceutical prices through Pharmac and to regulate in the public interest.

Pharmac and ‘public interest’ bottom line for TPP: Goff Read More »