NZ World News

Canada Weighs In – Peter Clark on the TPP

Article – Gordon Campbell For a fresh perspective on the TPP, here is a comprehensive paper on the regional trade talks published late last week by Canadian trade specialist and trade lawyer Peter Clark, of the multinational legal firm Gray, Clark, Shih and Associates. Clark …

Canada Weighs In – Peter Clark on the TPP Read More »

No TPP deal unless dairy and Pharmac are in, says Key

Article – BusinessDesk Nov 26 (BusinessDesk) – New Zealand won’t sign up to the Trans-Pacific Partnership free trade deal unless it includes an agreement to progressively abolish tariffs on agricultural products exported to North America, Prime Minister John Key said …

No TPP deal unless dairy and Pharmac are in, says Key Read More »

Gordon Campbell on APEC, and its significance for TPP talks

Column – Gordon Campbell Once upon a time, the APEC gathering of nations threatened to become a significant free trade bloc in its own right. Remember the Bogor Goals of 1994? But these days, not so much, apart from a bit of fiddling around with eco-friendly tariff levels.

Gordon Campbell on APEC, and its significance for TPP talks Read More »