Civil society groups say No to investors suing States in RCEP

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is being negotiated in secret by 16 countries. A leaked copy of its investment chapter includes proposals to allow foreign investors to sue governments. 95 national and regional civil society organisations which cover all RCEP countriesstrongly urge RCEP countries to reject ISDS in the agreement.

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Canada joins TPP talks, puts farm protection on the table

Article – BusinessDesk Oct. 10 (BusinessDesk) – Canada’s heavily protected markets, which have been a barrier to New Zealand’s agricultural exports, face an overhaul after the North American nation formally joined the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade negotiations.

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NZ-US Council scores ‘own goal’ with laughable TPP Survey

Media release: Professor Jane Kelsey Friday 5 October, 2012 “When cheerleaders commission a survey to support their pet project you can pretty-well guarantee the questions will be skewed to produce a favourable result. But the survey commissioned by the NZ-US Council to show that Kiwi’s support the proposed Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement takes the cake”, says

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