Chantelle Campbell

Chantelle has a background in community development and social work. She has been involved with the It's Our Future campaign as both an activist and a coordinator since 2014.

Submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee in support of the TPPA-11: Don’t Do It! petition

Reject the TPPA and review the treaty-making process Submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee in support of the TPPA-11: Don’t Do It! petition delivered to Golriz Ghahraman MP on Thursday 8 March 2018 on behalf of It’s Our Future and 5,098 signatories.   The below submission was submitted by Oliver Hailes as […]

Submission to the Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade Committee in support of the TPPA-11: Don’t Do It! petition Read More »

It’s Our Future Press Release: Parliament should review international treaty powers

“The parliamentary select committee should call for a review of the government’s treaty-making powers before rushing in to ratify the TPPA,” says Oliver Hailes, spokesperson for It’s Our Future, in anticipation of next week’s hearings on the controversial economic treaty. “We need modern forms of accountability before we commit to these mega agreements.” This morning

It’s Our Future Press Release: Parliament should review international treaty powers Read More »

Copies of CPTPP Submissions – Jane Kelsey, Laila Harre, Barry Coates, NZCTU, BWI and the Alliance Party

Please click on the links below each name to download their submission on the CPTPP   Jane Kelsey’s CPTPP Submission Jane Kelsey’s CPTPP Submission   Laila Harre’s CPTPP Submission Laila Harre’s CPTPP Submission   Barry Coates’ CPTPP Submission Barry Coates’ CPTPP submission   Building and Woodworkers International’s CPTPP Submission BWI Submission on CPTPP   NZCTU’s

Copies of CPTPP Submissions – Jane Kelsey, Laila Harre, Barry Coates, NZCTU, BWI and the Alliance Party Read More »

NZPTV interview with Amanda Vickers on feeling betrayed by NZ First’s TPPA u-turn

NZPTV is the New Zealand Public Television Trust  – a hub where Kiwi film and television makers can screen their programmes so that other New Zealanders around our country, and around the world, can watch them for free. It is also a place for you to have your say. NZPTV have recently launched VOICE OF

NZPTV interview with Amanda Vickers on feeling betrayed by NZ First’s TPPA u-turn Read More »

Speeches from the Wellington Rally and Don’t Do It! Petition Handover 08/03/2018

On Thursday the 8th of March in opposition to the NZ government signing the CPTPP, concerned New Zealanders gathered outside of Parliament to voice their opposition and to handover the Don’t Do It Petition which saw over 5000 people sign over a 3 week period.   Below are the videos of the speeches and the

Speeches from the Wellington Rally and Don’t Do It! Petition Handover 08/03/2018 Read More »

Three women cemented into the TPP outside Labour Party office in Christchurch – Our Children’s Future

TPPA Cements Us into 20th Century Thinking Three women have cemented themselves in place outsid Labour MP Ruth Dyson’s office in Christchurch today as Trade Minister David Parker prepares to sign the CPTPP/TPPA trade deal in Chile. There was a spectacle at 1pm today as barrows of cement were poured around the feet of the three protestors,

Three women cemented into the TPP outside Labour Party office in Christchurch – Our Children’s Future Read More »

Parliamentary petition for democratic overhaul of TPPA process – Oliver Hailes

During the rally outside Parliament at midday, a petition will be handed over by Oliver Hailes to Green Party MP Golriz Ghahraman calling for a democratic overhaul of the process for negotiating and signing the trade, investment and economic integration agreements. Mr Hailes is the spokesperson for It’s Our Future, New Zealand’s network of opponents

Parliamentary petition for democratic overhaul of TPPA process – Oliver Hailes Read More »

Rally at Parliament against signing of TPPA – Oliver Hailes

“Protestors will gather outside Parliament at midday on Thursday 8 March to hear from a range of speakers in opposition to the TPPA signing ceremony in Chile,” says Oliver Hailes, spokesperson for It’s Our Future, New Zealand’s network of opponents to the TPPA and other anti-democratic economic treaties. The line-up of speakers includes: – Green

Rally at Parliament against signing of TPPA – Oliver Hailes Read More »

Speeches from the TPPA-11 – Don’t Sign! Dunedin Rally 04/03/2018

Speeches from the Dunedin TPPA-11 – Don’t Sign! Rally.   Will Dreyer, student from Otago University’s Student’s Against the CPTPP – speaking about the threats of CPTPP   Aaron Hawkins – speaking on the concerns of the CPTPP   Rye Senjen –   Dr Bob Lloyd – speaking on behalf of group Wise Response  

Speeches from the TPPA-11 – Don’t Sign! Dunedin Rally 04/03/2018 Read More »

Group Our Children’s Future lock themselves to train tracks in protest of the TPPA

On Thursday 1st of March, 6 members of the Christchurch group Our Children’s Future locked themselves to train tracks in protest of our government signing the TPPA-11 (CPTPP) in Chile on the 8th of March. See the video and media release below of their action;   Protesters Locked to Train Track Say TPPA is the

Group Our Children’s Future lock themselves to train tracks in protest of the TPPA Read More »

Nationwide action against the TPPA – Oliver Hailes

“Beginning this weekend, It’s Our Future is hosting events throughout the country in opposition to the signing of the TPPA,” says Oliver Hailes, spokesperson for New Zealand’s network of opponents to the controversial economic treaty. “Starting on Saturday in Nelson, concerned Kiwis will gather to let the Government know that they do not consent to

Nationwide action against the TPPA – Oliver Hailes Read More »