Edward Miller

Edward is a political activist and trade unionist. Qualified in law and currently based in Kuala Lumpur, Edward was deeply involved in the NZ campaign to stop the TPPA from 2012 to 2015. He is now trying to use his position in the Asia-Pacific to promote activism around issues like TPPA and RCEP amongst workers and unions in the region.


The post-Maui Ministerial Press Conference is just wrapping up, where Ministers yet again were unable to conclude a deal. The Press Conference was heavy on platitudes but light on detail of actual progress, with Ministers trailing out the oft-repeated mantras around the need to restrict transparency. We will bring you further media reports as they become […]

NO DEAL IN MAUI! Read More »

Libertarians against ISDS!

An article by Daniel Pearson (senior fellow in trade policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute) appears in The Hill titled ‘Boost support for TPP by rethinking ISDS’, in which he suggests removing investor-state dispute settlement from the negotiation: True, cross-border investors would prefer that TPP include ISDS.  But most U.S. companies understand that the real

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Hey David! You missed a few things…

Recently more and more New Zealanders are emailing Act MP David Seymour with regard to the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement and Fletcher Tabuteau’s Fighting Foreign Corporate Control Bill. Seymour’s office is responding with a standard email designed to quell their concerns. The response is riddled with inaccuracies that reveal a hole in Seymour’s knowledge about the

Hey David! You missed a few things… Read More »

Groser needs to explain why NZ must keep TPPA secret while EU releases TTIP documents

Press Release: Professor Jane Kelsey 12 February 2015 ‘Trade minister Tim Groser has repeatedly claimed that negotiations for agreements like the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) are never conducted in daylight. That is simply not true.’ ‘There are many such instances, including the Anti-counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) that involved six of the TPPA parties,[1] where draft

Groser needs to explain why NZ must keep TPPA secret while EU releases TTIP documents Read More »

8 November

8 November is an international day of action against the TPPA, and kiwis are kicking things off. Find your local event from the list below: Auckland, Hamilton, Raglan, Tauranga, Rotorua, New Plymouth, Gisborne, Napier, Palmerston North, Levin, Wellington, Nelson, Christchurch, Timaru, Dunedin, Invercargill.

8 November Read More »

#WorldTradeCup twitter storm tweets #TPPANoWay

If #TPPA is ever completed it will be a massive #owngoal for kiwi workers, health and environment #TPPANoWay #WorldTradeCup Like the World Cup, #TPPA is a Trojan horse for #neoliberal policy, and we don’t even get to vote on it! #TPPANoWay #WorldTradeCup #TPPA will let the banks and TNCs play striker while the rest of us will be stuck in defence #TPPANoWay #WorldTradeCup #WorldTradeCup #RedCard alert! Has #NZ #trade minister shown @johnkeypm to be a liar on #TPPA? http://bit.ly/1kL2Gs4 #TPP#NoTPPA #WorldCup

#WorldTradeCup twitter storm tweets #TPPANoWay Read More »

It’s Not Right (Maori)

  Are you hoha that … •           offshore mining happens without the consent of hapu and iwi? •           our kids keep getting sick and whanau can’t afford medicines? •           you don’t know what’s in the kai you feed your tamariki? •           the Rena disaster could devastate the coastline? •           so many of our people are

It’s Not Right (Maori) Read More »

MFAT Stakeholder Meetings

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade recently held ‘stakeholder meetings’ between TPPA negotiators and interested parties. The meetings took place on the 3 July (Auckland), 4 July (Christchurch) and 5 July (Dunedin). It’s Our Future has reports from the Auckland and Wellington meetings, which have been placed in the Resources section. As far as we

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