
Investor-state dispute settlement

Asia Pacific civil society rejects investor rights to sue governments in RCEP negotiations

MEDIA RELEASE It’s Our Future Asia Pacific civil society rejects investor rights to sue governments in RCEP negotiations As Trade Ministers, including New Zealand’s Todd McClay, meet in Laos today (5th August), an unprecedented alliance of 95 civil society groups are calling for the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) to exclude extreme forms of investor […]

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Civil society groups say No to investors suing States in RCEP

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) is being negotiated in secret by 16 countries. A leaked copy of its investment chapter includes proposals to allow foreign investors to sue governments. 95 national and regional civil society organisations which cover all RCEP countriesstrongly urge RCEP countries to reject ISDS in the agreement.

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Gordon Campbell on the RCEP trade deal and other entanglements

Article – Gordon Campbell So China and the US both have competing trade deals on offer the TPP for the US and the RCEP for the Chinese – each of which pointedly exclude the other superpower. That fact alone should signal that these deals are not primarily about mere trade …

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Walker: Five other countries interested in joining TPP deal

Article – BusinessDesk March 7 (BusinessDesk) – Five other countries have informally expressed interest in joining the Trans Pacific Partnership agreement once it has been ratified by the original 12 signatories, according to chief negotiator David Walker.

Walker: Five other countries interested in joining TPP deal Read More »